Here’s a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for TradingView:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for TradingView

1. What do I get with a TradingView subscription from Genflix?

You get unlimited access to TradingView’s advanced charting tools, real-time market data, and analysis features at a lower price. Enjoy comprehensive charting and trading features on one device at a time. For more details, refer to our product description and usage guidelines.

2. How will I receive my TradingView account details?

Your account details will be sent immediately via email after purchase. You will also receive a message with the details on WhatsApp. During busy periods, delivery may take up to 24 hours. For more information, see our delivery policy.

3. Can I use the TradingView account on multiple devices at once?

No, the account can only be used on one device at a time. If you need to access TradingView from multiple devices simultaneously, you will need to purchase additional access. Refer to our usage guidelines for more details.

4. What if I have trouble with my TradingView account?

If you encounter any issues, please contact us at [email protected] or via WhatsApp. We’ll assist you in resolving the problem or provide a replacement if necessary. Check our support and rules for more information.

5. Can I change the payment details or billing settings on my TradingView account?

No, you should not change any payment or billing settings. Modifying these settings will result in the termination of your subscription without a replacement or refund. Please refer to our usage guidelines for more information.

6. Where should I log in to access TradingView?

Log in through the TradingView app on your phone or tablet, or visit on your laptop or PC. Do not attempt to log in through unauthorized platforms. For detailed login instructions, see our login instructions.

If you have additional questions, please refer to our instructions and policies or contact our support team at [email protected].